You could be based in a university, combining chemical research with teaching; in a pharmaceutical company, working on developing and trialing new drugs; Application of 16009-13-5, or in a public-sector research center, helping to ensure national healthcare provision keeps pace with new discoveries.In a article, mentioned the application of 16009-13-5, Name is Hemin, molecular formula is C34H32ClFeN4O4
Surface-enhanced resonance Raman spectra of oxyhemoglobin on colloidal silver dispersions have been obtained with no observable denaturation resulting from adsorption at the silver surface.Excitation profiles of the SERR bands of oxyhemoglobin indicate that perturbations of the electronic states of the oxyhemoglobin occur upon adsorption, although the vibrational mode frequencies are unperturbed.An unusual enhancement of the bands associated with symmetric vibrational modes of the porphyrin macrocycle is reported for excitation of SERR spectra in wavelength region of the beta band.This is interpreted in terms of the lowered symmetry of the adsorbed species.
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